Wednesday, May 13, 2009

12 Secrets To Finding a Job in a Down Economy

Yesterday I attend my first TENG meeting. The Technology Executives Networking Group. LLC (TENG) TENG is a great forum with various chapters across the country.

Last night they had 3 speakers come to discuss recruiting and how best to market oneself.

Let me paraphrase some of what was said:
1. Senior executives should not post their resumes on free sites like Dice, Monster. There are unscrupulous recruiters out there who will use your resume without you approving.
2. LinkedIn should be used wisely and discretionarily. Do not add contacts for the sake of adding contacts.
3. Keep your resume to a one page. Senior executives by their very nature should be able to summarize information including their career history. This forces you to remove the fluff and keep your information current. Who cares if you interned at Company XYZ in your senior year of college.
4. Your resume should be like a first date. Only provide enough information to get a second date. Anymore and you have the possibility of scarring of the other person.
5. If you have been working for sometime, it is not necessary to provide college information. Use this space for details about your current position. Again, who cares about your GPA 15 years ago.
6. Create an eye catching summary statement. You are selling yourself. SO SELL YOURSELF!
7. Be creative. In this market, you have to stand out from the pack.
8. Stay in contact with your network. Send periodic updates to them.
9. Be wary of recruiters that cold call you. They are just trolling for information or mining you.
10. Job postings on web site usually mean the position has been filled. Very few senior executives get jobs via websites.
11. Build relationships with some recruiters. Have a handful of recruiter names in your rolodex that you have met and know your skillset.
12. Take chances. In a down economy, those that take risks get big rewards.

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